We need your passion...

We can’t wait to welcome hundreds of young people to Festival Teesside and are praying that many will experience the love of God for the first time in their lives! To be as impactful as possible we need Youth Leaders and Youth Team Volunteers from across our region to come together and join our team! 

Keep reading to see how you can get involved…

ways to help before festival teesside

  • Invite your Christian Young People to Festival Teesside and encourage them to invite a friend! Share our ‘ONE’ Vision with them.

    We recognise that it is more challenging than ever before for our young people to invite their friends to Christian events. But what if everyone brought ONE? And what if we all saw ONE friend come to faith? We would double in number! We are therefore trying to make this more manageable for our young people and are inviting them to:

    PRAY for ONE friend

    BRING ONE friend to Festival Teesside

    SEE ONE friend come to know Jesus!

  • We believe that the most strategic way to reach the non-Christian young people of Teesside is to connect with them in schools. Could you help us to promote the festival to as many young people as possible by delivering our pre-prepared assembly? Everything is planned for you, all you will need to do is adapt it for your context. Please email tim@tvyfc.co.uk to request your pack.

  • We are inviting young people to pray for their ONE friend at 1.09pm everyday, and remind themselves of Colossians 1:9

    ’Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you’.

    We believe that through prayer we will see God transform the lives of many young people across Teesside.

ways to help during festival teesside

Join our Team of Festival Teesside Volunteers on 8th and 9th June. 

We will need a large team of volunteers to make the young people at Festival Teesside feel as welcome as possible, to share faith, to get involved with activities, and to help connect young people with the local church! There will also be opportunities to host ‘up front’ in our Youth Tent, to lead games, share testimonies and run giveaways! 

ways to help AFter festival teesside

We do not want our contact with the young people at Festival Teesside to end there! We long to connect them with the local church and for their journey of faith to continue throughout their lives. We plan to do this in the following ways: 

  • We are inviting you to hold a Pizza Party and run the Vox Course in your location, or join with our centrally organised course, so that we can offer opportunities for Teesside young people to connect with the local Church and ask questions like What’s life all about? Where do I belong? How can I find meaning and purpose? And, What’s that all got to do with Christianity?

    Register your interest by emailing tim@tvyfc.co.uk

  • Your own youth group could take an active role in helping us to remain connected to young people who attended Festival Teesside over the Summer holidays! Would you consider helping us by holding a simple summer catch-up event, like a picnic in the park or something else that young people in your area would love?

    Please email tim@tvyfc.co.uk to register your plans.

  • After the Summer holidays, we would love to hold multiple Youth Alpha courses across Teesside for young people to access! Could you facilitate one of these courses and come together for the Holy Spirit Day? We believe many young people will come to know Jesus this way!

    There are details about how to register and organise your Alpha Course on the Churches Follow-up page, but please let our team know if you are planning to run a course by emailing Tim at tim@tvyfc.co.uk.