Invite People to Know God

Share the hope of Jesus

Festival Teesside's overarching aim is to share Jesus's hope with people across the entire region of Teesside.

For those attending the festival at Stewart Park 8-9 June, amongst the family fun, music, and entertainment there will be many opportunities for people to hear clear and relevant presentations of the Gospel. Before the festival, we will have Mission Week, where we will hold a series of outreach events. 

Each event is aimed towards different groups of people across the region, and many have been planned specifically to allow you to invite your friends and family along.

But how can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven’t heard of the One who can be trusted? Romans 10:14 

Stories of hope High Tea

Friday 7 June | 7 pm | Stewart Park — The Grove

Invite the women in your life to hear the life-changing message of Jesus while enjoying tea and treats! You can host the table or ask a friend to join you in hosting. The goal is to have most of your table filled with people who need to hear about Jesus. Leah McFall from BBC’s The Voice will sing for us on the night, and then share her story with us. We will also hear a message of hope from international speaker Wendy Palau. 

You can email us with any questions you may have to or click on the link to book tickets for you and your guests through Eventbrite. This event is £5 per ticket.

Men’s Southern Style BBQ

Thursday 6 June | 7 pm | Stewart Park — The Grove

Join us for a fun-filled evening with BBQ and activities just for guys on June 6th at 7 PM! BBQ with drinks, live music, retro arcade games, and comedy by John Archer. The night will finish with a talk from Andrew Palau who travels the world telling people about how Jesus drew him from a path to destruction to a life of hope. This event is £5 per ticket.

Endorsements for John Archer:

“Hugely Funny, Hugely Talented, you are a Superstar.” DAVID WALLIAMS 

“John Archer will blow your mind. He is the Funniest man I know. Seeing him perform is Guaranteed to be one of the best experiences of your life!” DYNAMO - Magician Impossible

Festival Teesside Students

Wednesday 5 June from 5-8 pm

Salvation Army Church 

Students are welcome to join us for an evening of free food, entertainment, culture, and music and conclude with a message of hope.

If you have any questions email

The Gospel is good news for everyone! For this reason, several events are planned to serve communities that are harder to reach. 

Marginalised communities 

There is existing work across Teesside led by Christians who support and serve addicts, the homeless, ex-offenders and their families, as well as other communities that often get forgotten. An exciting programme of events has been organised during the fortnight running up to the festival offering meals, live music, and BMX displays, after which the Gospel will be shared alongside the telling of powerful testimonies.

Skate outreach

The Sports Outreach team will spend time with the skate community at local skate parks during the week at Preston Skate Park. Athletes will share their personal testimonies with attendees and invite people to respond to the Gospel.

Stay tuned for more details as the week of Festival Teesside approaches.

Prison Outreach

There will be a team of select people to go into local prisons.

There will be BMX displays, live music, and a clear presentation of the Gospel by the Palau team.

Although we are not looking for volunteers to this particular outreach event, we ask that you would pray for the prisons and all of those who are involved.

School outreach

We are partnering with Doug Horley, he has an international ministry working with children and songwriting. This team will go to schools with those who have registered with the Kids Team for an afternoon of entertainment for students.